Saturday, September 20, 2008

Wild scene in Mastic Beach

Not just on the football field, that is. With about four or five minutes left in the fourth quarter Friday night of the Longwood-Floyd game, things got a little hairy in the crowd. According to Longwood security, who always do a great job led by John Dee, about 10 Floyd fans were over on the Longwood side and started a fight. Surprise, surprise. Amongst themselves. Things quickly escalated and before you knew it, everyone in the crowd on that side gravitated toward the action. 

As security tried breaking things up, it only got worse. Each time it looked like the melee was controlled, it started back up. It was not a pretty scene and one that makes you wonder about the idea of starting games at 7 p.m. As a small group of Floyd fans were escorted away, they maturely chanted "Longwood's -------" I'll leave that to the imagination.

At least one Suffolk Police car drove out onto the grass where the kids were gathered to help control the crowd. It was clear, though, that William Floyd security had little control of the situation from the start. It's a problem Longwood coaches say happens at every game in Mastic.

For the Lions, they'll have to hope if they meet Floyd again this year, it'll be at Stony Brook in the county championship.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Floyd won the game but the Longwood players were being facemasked and having dirt thrown in their faces during play. Why am I not surprised that the referees did not see it. As the Longwood team was leaving for their bus, fans were throwing objects at them from the bleachers. Unsportman like conduct by the players, coaches and referees will carry over to the spectators. William Floyd needs to remember " What goes around, comes around." May Floyd never be treated like they treated Longwood.

Anonymous said...

To: lion sports fan:
May I remind you that a car load of your precious well behaved Lwood angels came into Floyd's sports complex last year and drove their vehicle up over the curb onto the varsity practice field and did figure 8's and tore up the entire practice field - our security camera system got a clear shot of the license plate and when called into the SCPD,it was a Longwood school district students vehicle!
May I also inform you that at the game last Friday (I was there)The Longwood angels came over and started a conflict at the Floyd concession stand. Longwood security did not escort them over, so they obviously were not aware of what the little darlings were up to over on the Floyd side. Believe me they were NOT buying hot dogs.
Let's now review your comment about this past Friday's game/players. You did say dirt thrown in faces and facemasks (penalty)did'nt you? LOL - Tell you what - I'll send you the film from last years season game and the Suffolk Cty Championship between Floyd & Lwood. Up close and personal my friend - Take a real good look at what the Longwood players were doing to our 2007 Floyd players, and you did'nt hear them complaining.Sorry Mom, but the game is called football - tell the boys to toughen up & deal with it, & get out there and play!
Your final comment - Floyd fans throwing things at the players - THAT is an absolute lie!!
The visiting players come out the North gate and at the end of the game the buses are brought right there. Nothing was thrown at the Lwood players nor has any visiting team ever been disrespected like that at the Floyd home games. I was down on the North gate at the end of the game Friday night,stop exaggerating - It does'nt help the situation.