Saturday, March 8, 2008

Ross vs. Connolly, 96

First up we have Rocky Point freshman Matt Ross against eighth-grader Shane Connolly from Warwick Valley in Section IX.

Period 1:

Ross is the first Suffolk County wrestler into action.

Ross takes early control. 
1:10 a neutral start. 
:50 neutral start
Connolly is trying to take some low shots, but with no luck. Ross is ready for it.
Ross gets 2. :15  2-0 Ross

End 1. 

Period 2

Ross in trouble, Connolly gets on top.
1:08: Ross starts down on restart.
Ross is still down, but not giving up points.
:08: Ross starts down on restart

Period ends with Ross still in front 2-0. Lucky, though.

Period 3
Ross gets back on top. He flips Connolly on his back and gets three. 5-0 Ross. 
1:07: Connolly starts down. Ross is in control here with under a minute left.

8-0 Ross, near fall.

FINAL: 8-0 Ross

Suffolk County is 1-0 so far. Matt Ross picked up his first career win in the state tournament by dominating the third period against Shane Connolly. Ross ran into trouble in the second period, but didn't lose any points in the process. So Ross advances to the quarterfinals and will wrestle again at approximately 2:30 p.m.

Ross will face top-seeded Tim Schaefer, a seventh-grader from Lancaster of Section VI. Schaefer won a 12-3 major decision against Anthony Mirra, a senior from Tottenville.
This kid must be pretty legit if he's beating a senior in the state championship.

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